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QA Testing

QA Testing

Quality Assurance is a key to any kind of product. The same goes for websites, apps, or any API integration.

Our quality testers are very disciplined and patiently keeps on testing the functionalities multiple time. The goal is to deliver a bug-free final product.

Quality testing is not a one-time process. Even after the error (bug as we called it) is fixed, the tester has to go through all the steps again to reproduce the issue.
Their job is to break the system and find as many errors as possible. Once the application is bug-free to the tester’s satisfaction level at the development stage, then it is published to the UAT for more testing.

We do manual testing as well as load testing.

UAT (User Acceptance Testing) is also known as beta testing or end-user testing. This is the phase right before going live or deploying in a production environment.

Based on the application, we sometimes, create this environment for the end user so that they can also get a feel of the application and do some manual testing.

If we are building your application then we will anyhow, take care of the testing.
If you have an application that you want to get tested and/or fixed, then to Get in touch with us for a commitment-free discussion and we can help you through the process.